Absence Management Redesign

Improved absence management for deskless workers in the modern workplace.

Project overview

The Problem

The existing absence management platform was developed exclusively for desktop usage and did not support employees who work without access to a computer during their shift.

My Role

UI Designer, UX Designer, UX Researcher





UX Audit

I began this project by conducting a thorough audit of our existing platforms. During this process, I carefully examined the user experience of our wall-mounted time clock and outdated web application and identified several areas of improvement.

Competitor Analysis

I examined various absence management platforms in the market, including solutions offered by our direct competitors as well as other innovative startups. This review aimed to identify areas for improvement and any existing gaps in the market.

When I Work Homebase Quicktime
Responsive/Mobile App
Mixed Banks
Partial Day Requests
Multiple Partial Day Requests
Bank Balances

User Interviews

I worked closely with our research team to create a user interview study. The goal was to gather valuable insights about how our users perceived the existing platforms. These sessions confirmed our assumed pain points and enabled us to compile a list of recommended improvements for the redesign.



MVP Requirements

I used the insights from research and collaborated with the product manager to define a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for the absence management redesign project. We categorized the features into high, medium, and low priority and documented the requirements as user stories and acceptance criteria in Jira.


To validate our proposed solutions with stakeholders and assess technical feasibility with the engineering team, I created user flows for the main MVP features. The user flows aided in discussions with stakeholders, enabling them to give feedback and make informed choices.



I focused on improving the user experience on mobile devices by implementing a mobile-first strategy. To evaluate the suitable components and design patterns for our proposed solution, I designed wireframes that emphasized the key interactions and layout considerations for mobile users.

High-Fidelity Mockups

Next, I converted our wireframes into high-fidelity mockups to clearly show the interface and interactions. By incorporating visual elements such as colors, typography, and icons, we improved the design and ensured that stakeholders had a clearer understanding of the final product.

Interactive Prototypes

I utilized Figma to convert our detailed designs into interactive prototypes. These prototypes allowed us to simulate user interactions and will be utilized in the future to collect valuable feedback from end-users.


Usability Testing

I conducted a usability study using our Figma prototypes and the Maze testing tool. We carried out unmoderated sessions with real end-users and collected both qualitative and quantitative feedback to enhance our designs.

Hand-Off & Implementation

In order to make sure that the development team could easily take over the project, I gave them detailed design specifications and documentation using Figma's developer tools. During the development and implementation phase, I was always available to answer any questions or address any concerns that the team had.

© Joe Velez, 2023